Spot the dancers demonstrating different styles, moves, and ideas about dance following an A to Z of key dance words. This is a chance to meet and talk to professional dancers about what they do and ask those burning questions.
Commissioned by artistic programmer Eva Martinez, this “live” version of an A to Z of dance casts five dancers from different styles—contemporary, ballet, flamenco, South Asian dance, and hip-hop—who were interpreting the concepts and interacting with the audience in the different spaces of the theatre hallway. The objective of this site-specific performance was to bring dance to unfamiliar audiences and reinforce the connection between performers and audience members.
The A to Z of Dance: Live premiered as a part of Sadler’s Sampled Festival at Sadler’s Wells Theatre in 2016 and revisited in 2017.
Commissioned by Sadler’s Wells for Sadler’s Wells Sampled 2016
Curated by Inka Romani Escriva and created in collaboration with Makiko Aoyama, Magdalena Mannion, Dickson Mbi, and Joel O'Donoghue
Based on The A to Z of Dance (2013) written by Lyndsey Winship